l'Arc de Triomphe & stizz-uff

The pictures of us with the sky in the background, are actually taken on the top of the Arc - but I didn't even have to say that, it is pretty obvious - right?? :) hah. right.
It was a good day in Paris.
Lil' history tidbit:
The Arc de Triomphe stands in the centre of the Place de l'Etoile at the western end of the posh shopping street Champs-Elysees.
That crazy ol' Napoleon wanted to construct a monument which would help people to remember not only him, but the conquests of his armies. He liked the idea of the Roman Triumphal arches that were constructed so that victorious Roman Emperors could hold parades through the arch with all their captives and spoils of war - so he commissioned the l'Arc de Triomphe to be built in that style.