La La La La La La Louvre

Haven't been bloggin' too much 'cause we've been busy meeting the ol' deadlines.
Jet lag has become more and more humorous because we are stuck somewhere in the middle. In order to stay up to talk with clients in the US (until about 7pm LA time) we have to stay up until 4am Paris time. This gets us rolling out of bed anytime between noon and two. Usually when the sun sets here, we know it's time for lunch! Yes!
Ah well, this gives us time to explore the city a bit before the work day starts (because when we wake up at noon, it's really only 3am LA time.) Kapeeesch??? Confusing??? oh yah.
Anywhooo... we are now "friends of the Louvre" so we can go any ol' time we want. Speaking of the Louvre - the former home of Louis and Marie Antoinette - Was great getting to see "Marie Antoinette" the new S. Coppola film here, with a French audience and French subtitles...but a movie about French history. Surreal & stuff.
mmmkay..I'm tired, so here's some bad photos i took of paintings I liked today. Can you guess which one is entitled "Super Jesus?" Yikes. I am going straight to hell for making fun of an other artists painting.
super jesus is like an inspiration
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