exploring giants, Carnac the great!

What are megaliths, you ask? Well they are large standing stones that scientists theorize were constructed as monuments - many megaliths were thought to have a purpose in determining important astronomical events such as the solstice and equinox dates. The word megalith comes from the Ancient Greek "megas," meaning great, and " lithos" meaning stone. Think: Stonehenge.
The Carnac stones were erected during the Neolithic period which lasted from around 4500 BC until 2000 BC and are one of the most extensive Neolithic menhirs collections in the world! Woot woot!
We went on a little hike through the forest in search of more stones and found so many cool and interesting treasures - some pix here to check out.
If you are down with prehistory and find yourself in southern Fwancey-pants, go to this site to learn all about where and what you need to check out while you're here:
And for more about the wonders of Carnac: www.megalithia.com/brittany/carnac/

Labels: carnac
C'est bien que tu voyagez avec des gentils copins--- des chiens, des moutons, quelques chats, et une tres jolie grandmere. To a vraiment de la chance!
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